Darth Bane

Dark Lord of the Sith


Born on a mining planet in the Outer Rim. Apatros was a filthy planet, controled by the Outer Rim Oreworks company.
If you were born there, you died there.
My mother passed during childbirth and my father was abusive.
Over the years he would refer to me as the bane of his life.
And so I took that name as my own.
I killed my father and escaped from the grips of the O.R.O.C.
I found myself enrolled in the Sith army, commanding my own unit.
Over time I realized the Sith had become weakened by their way of counsel.
I eventually destroyed the old Sith empire and I, along with my apprentice Darth Zannah, rebuilt it from the ground up.

A master and an apprentice, only two there shall be.. One to embody the power, the other to crave it.
Slowly, through time, hiding in the shadows and biding our time..
This was the way we would exact our revenge on the Jedi... Bring down their fallacy.

I've recently taken up residence on a small rocky planet, known to it's inhabitants as Earth.
There I've invested in the oil industry and with my apprentice, we've been plotting, growing stronger.

So here I am. In the Central provinces of Canada. Drilling for oil.. President and CEO of SithOil 🍁 INC.
Great fortune has given me several estates and penthouses, scattered across this little planet. Toronto, New York, LA, Paris, Tokyo.
But ... alas...there is still something missing in my life...

"Do you feel it? Do you feel the power of the dark side? The only real power! The only thing worth living for! Do you feel invincible? Invulnerable? Immortal? Are you ready to kill a world?"

Join with me and I will show you the true power of the Dark side..

RP info, Rules and style

  • Admin (Eric) is 30+, Male, Straight

  • SFW, adventure writing (No lewd)

  • Descriptive Writer

  • SL story and TL banter (SL story is prefered as I enjoy writing in descriptive paragraphs)

  • MS w/Chem

  • MV

  • SW canonverse

  • Crossovers welcome

  • Modern AU

  • IC and OOC are both welcome in seperate channels. I will make a seperate DM channel for us to keep RP and irl seperate

  • Friendly writer and open to communication and plotting

  • It's a marathon, not a sprint, no rush to reply, IRL is always first


  • WRey, My beautiful Wife. Married 18/10/20 @Rey24Were #WRane

( Made with Carrd )